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Egidio Scardamaglia


ZERO sculpture was born from the search for movement, to overcome the static nature of the body and mind. His works are the continuous change against the rules of balance and time.
The movement, in its perception of desire, turns into emotion and expresses itself as an unreal situation. Its symbolic forms happily become the myth of a story never lived.
Symbolism is its incredible reality.

Augusto Benemeglio

Pablo e Francoise 300 DPI.jpg
DSCN1751 72 DPI.jpg
unnamed (1).jpg
Nudo di violinista in un interno con veduta montana, olio su tela, 70 x100.jpg
18.Attesa al chiaro di luna.jpg
DSCN2667 ritagliato II version.jpg
11.Passeggiata con il cane.jpg
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