A new Art Gallery was born in Rome, which has the ambition to address not only to a local audience, but also international and global through the development of synergies and multimedia collaborations increasingly active in the field of visual arts. The name of the gallery is Purificato.Zero, name born on the model of a modern formula willing to suggest evolution, growth, speed and also to underline the engagement to use the web as a tool for complying with the highest standards of connection, communication and sharing.
The Gallery, housed in a new and elegant space in Via Bisagno 11, has in its components a recognized history of high professionalism and has a wide selection of works by some of the most established authors, both modern artists (many figurative authors who made the history of the second half of the 1900s) and contemporary, according to a wide range of artistic models accompanied by online information that will deepen their knowledge. Among them there are also new artists to whom the gallery dedicates itself with special attention for their discovery and enhancement.
Some of the most significant works will be collected in virtual exhibitions that, time to time, will be brought to the attention of fans or exhibited.
Via Bisagno 11, 00199 Roma
Monday: 10:30 – 13:30 / 15:30 – 19:30
Tuesday–Saturday: 10:30–14:00/14:30– 20:00
Sunday: On appointment
+39 338.152.7008